Fellow compatriots,
I bring you solidarity greetings in the spirit of our bond and collective destiny as an important and intergra bulk of the league of architechs of our nation’s fortune priding only in the strength and courage springing from the deep and crystal fountain of intellectualism, camaderie and unity of purpose handed to us by our founding fathers.
Events in recent times ,especially the last one month indicate the progression of our noble organization, the National Association of Nigerian students (NANS). Following the clearance from the leadership of our organization for the commencement of campaigns and declaration of interest by those aspiring to serve in various capacities . This suggests that as expected and desired NANS is not static.
The quest for a front towards the actualization of self rule, entrenchment and sustenance of democracy and good governance in our great nation, the convergence of Students Council from three earliest universities; Ife, Zaria and Nsuka birthed a unified student body chiristined National Union of Nigerian students ( NUNS) in 1956 . True to it’s core objective, NUNS participated effectively in pushing for our independence as a nation and upon independence became a watch dog against mal- administration and abuse of office. Consequent on it’s vociferous engagement against mis-rule, dictatorship and disregard for the importance of education NUNS in April 1973 embarked on series of campus protest code named “ALI MUST GO” in response to the imposition of increased school fee,this led to the close down of three Universities and the subsequent proscription of the students body by General Olusegun Obasanjo led Military despots
Rising from the ashes of NUNS and the unending need for a platform to voice the needs of students and ventitalate their feelings on burning national issues, in 1980 a new student body was birthed as National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS). The contribution of the students’ movement stands gloriously in annals of our nation’s history.
On the cold morning of 27th October 2018,in the ancient city of Maiduguri- Borno state in the citadel of learning Ramat Polytechnic I emerged deputy cordinator of NANS zone C ( then North Central entral/ Northeastern Nigeria) after serving as the Senate President students Union College of Advanced and Professional Studies ( Now Akawr Torkula Polytechnic ) Makurdi (2009- 2010), National President; National Association of Idoma Students (NAIS) from 2016- 2017. As Deputy Cordinator, by the help and support of my pricipal the cordinator Cdr Muhammed Sarki I actively participated in all zonal struggles andd led and co-led numerous some.
~Led NANS protest against Xenophobia declerared by Cdr Danielson Bamidele Akpan, the Global President of NANS ( as he then was), leading the protest in Benue and adjudge as one of the strongest nation-wide, amidst threats from state actors.
~ Mass action against the unjust arrest of Cdr Illogebe Chidi, the Vice president national affairs ( as he then was). 25th – 26th of June 2019 as declerared by then NANS president Cdr Danielson Bamidele Akpan.
~ Joinnt mass action in conjunction with National Association of University Student (NAUS) Natuinal Association of Politechnic Students ( NAUS) and National Association of Colleges of Education Students (NANCES) 18th Augusta 2020 against the prolonged closure of schools due to Covid-19 pandemic
~ actively participated in the Campus tour accross the states of the zone.
On the 25th of March 2021, in red sand City of Otukpo Benue state, I was elected as cordinator of NANS ZONE C ( then North Central/Northeast) within the period of service, with the collaborative efforts of all the excos the following was achieved:
~ Campus intervention in the University of Jos following the assault on a student by a security staff of the University.
~Campus intervention in Plateau State University Bokos following the abduction of five students and the death of a protesting student.
~ on 19th of February 2022, at Sokoto State University during the NANS National Congress moved motion that culminated into the NANS mass action 2022.
~ Chairman NANS Mass Action 2022 Under the leadership of the revolutionary president ( as he then was) Cdr Sunday Adedayo Asefon.
~ Registra ( Mobilizer) “University of Street” established in protest against the prolonged ASUU strike.
~ supported and participated actively in the amendment of the NANS constitution after 40 years under the leadership the Senate President ( as he then was) Cdr Chuks Okafor.
~ Leadership/ Security Summit.
Following the clearance from leadership of our organization and after due consultation with my leaders and close associates I wish to declare to you my intention to run for office of the president National Association of Nigerian Students ( NANS). My aspirations is purely out of conviction, passion and believe in experience acquired over time. .
It is in line with the foregoing that I wish to present to you my template for your contemplation, adoption and support.
~ Purposeful Activism: All through my sourjon in our dear organization, I have been thoroughly bred by the best progressive leaders who are believers in the essence of NANS as avehicle for driving the needed change in our educational system, our nation and Africa at large. Consequently I state before you today that for as much necessary I shall lead through purpose driven activism believing without doubt that this is the soul of our dear NANS as passed down to us by our founding fathers. As NANS president I shall ensure that issues relating to students welfare and issues of National interest does no go by without the response of NANS. I make bold to state that one thing that must be addressed and quickly is the cost of education in our country and the question of safety on our campuses.
~Critical and Strategic Engagements : the place of critical and strategic engagements with pro- people organizations, Labour Union, Civil Society Organizations and agencies of government towards the actualization of the core mandate of NANS can not be overemphasized. I shall to the best of my abilities reconnect NANS to it traditional partners, Labour Union, ASUU and other group of like intents and lovers of the common good of all.
~ Mentorship and Leadership Development: It is imperative to consciously work out succession plans for our dear NANS, a situation were generations are fed with the nourishing spirit of our founding fathers, graps contemporary leadership skills and the right sentiments towards leadership ethics. This will guarantee excellence of our comrades in public and private and circuits of leadership.
~ Diaspora integration and partnership: the world is evolving so are the challenges and solutions to issue, it is instructive to synergize with other students bodies accross the globe and connect with our Comrades out side the shores of our nation.
~Social/ Extra Curricula Incorporation: There is a need to bring back the merry days on our campuses were numerous social activities connect and bond us, this activities are breakers of the barriers of tribe and religion. It is my desire as President of NANS to create platforms for sports and other social activities within our campuses.
Fellow Comrades I am burdened in my heart , believe so your are, with the reality that we are the conscience of the Nation, the thermometer and barometer of public opinions, the voice of the voiceless and the loud speakers of the oppressed, and as such we cannot afford to fail to speak for our generation, for Just as the Algerian revolutionary Franz Fanon states;
” Each generation must out of relative obscurity discover it’s mission, fulfill it or betray it”
I am alert, just as you are, to the truth that the future will have no pity for those possesing the exceptional privilege of being able to speak words of truth to their oppressors , have instead taken refuge in an attitude of passivity, of mute indifference and sometimes of cold complexity.
Distinguished colleagues, being alive to the aforementioned burdens I have christined my agenda as D- VOICE, signifying the glory of our dear organization as the voice of the voiceless, encapsulating all that affects us as students and all that affects our nation…..
It is time to speak to the issues and create the needed change as a consolidation of the efforts of past and present leadership of our dear NANS.
Consequently, I wish to solicite your prayers, support and reception as I shall meeting with you in your various states and campuses beginning from this day to speak to the issues that we must collectively address ..
Thank you and God bless you.
Amangla Awetu.
Yours in Struggle.
Abah Owoicho Abah.