We believe the youths deserve above 60% inclusion in the local government administration.

“There is no better time for Youths to be compensated for their steadfastness than now. Their resourcefulness and dedication to the party is immeasurable.

“Many of them vied for Councillorship and Chairmanship seats but were denied by the party, yet remained and worked tirelessly for their co-aspirants. There is no better name to call this action than partisanship,”

Indeed, royalty and leadership flow in Honourable JOHN PAUL’s blood. He has shown genuine leadership by example as the Zonal Youth Leader of the People’s Democratic party and has earned more honour for himself by personally visiting all the stackholders of the Party and carried out due Consultation towards the forthcoming LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION, to see things by himself, feel people’s pulses and solicit further support in order to deliver democratic dividends appropriately,”

Having zoned the Local Government Chairmanship position to Adoka, Honourable JOHNPAUL is the best candidate for that position because his footprints is felt all over the Local Government and this political party.




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