Don’t Bother Preaching To Me, I Have Removed Myself From Heavenly Race -Bobrisky Informs Preachers


Controversial crossdresser took to his verified media handle to inform those that have been preaching to him to change from his lifestyle that they should no longer bother as he has disassociated himself from anything called heavenly race.

The heavenly race is a race engaged by anyone who wants to make heaven. This statement is supported by Hebrew 12:1 which says

” Therefore, since we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us”

It clearly stated that it can be run by anyone and not everyone which means it is a matter of choice and not by coercion. The crossdresser who is known to make daring posts and saying his mind said he wants to first enjoy earthly cruise before anyone can talk to him about heavenly race.

The gift for running this race is heaven which gives eternal peace and life. I believe Bobrisky made this controversial post to stop critics from telling him to stop his crossdressing. He may or may not be serious, but whichever, it’s his voice and should be respected.

Credit: Verified Facebook/Bobrisky

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