Dead bodies are lying on this road, please avoid


On Sunday the 31st of October 2021, the nation was given an early treat to the Halloween as scary scene were witnessed on one major road. Those who passed by the scene highlighted that the sights were indeed terrifying and traumatizing to say the least.

Service providers are said to be heavily active as they seek to rectify the situation which spelled out another bad start to the day.

According to a report which was shared by the South African Trucker today, there was a fatal crash which happened on the Lynwood Road. Multiple vehicle collided at about 7:00 in the morning just before the Wapadrand Spar.

Fellow motorists who witnessed the accident immediately contacted the first responders. Within a few minutes, emergency service providers had arrived on the scene and they closed down some of the lanes.

Assessments were carried out by paramedics and there was a number of fatalities. The exact numbers of casualties and fatalities have not yet been disclosed by the local authorities.

The story is still developing and finer details regarding this incident have not yet been shared to the media. An investigation is set to be done by police as they seek to ascertain the cause of this collision.

In the report by South African Trucker, it was stated that all services providers are heavily active on the scene. Motorists were urged to avoid the road if they are travelling with kids as there are many dead bodies lying in the road way.

The Lynwood Road area seems to be offering motorists a nightmarish experience today. Earlier on, there had been reports of a stationary vehicle that was on the N1 Northbound after the ramp to Lynnwood Road.

Two trucks were captured on the scene and the left lane had been affected. A few minutes ago, this scene was cleared and traffic is now said to be flowing smoothly.

Motorists are being urged to drive carefully as our roads can be fatal when one is reckless

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