The proactive House of Representatives member of Ado ,Okpokwu and Ogbadibo Honourable Francis Ottah Agbo today had a town hall meeting with the people of Okpokwu Local Government.

Before the event proper, Honourable Ottah was recieved by the Chief at the Traditional Area council. Chief James Ajembi welcome the Honourable member to Okpokwu, he commend him for his activeness during this two and half years and encouraged him not to give up because they are always behind him.

At the event venue Chief Vincent Odoh did a brief opening prayer, commiting the program into God’s hands and prayed for journey mercies back home.

The PDP local Government Chairman Mr Simon Ochai and his EXCOS welcome Honourable Ottah stressing that he has been so helpful to the people despite the hard times and crave the endorjence of the people to give him listening ears to hear what he has to tell them.

Honourable Francis Agbo Ottah while Addressing the people, thanked the Adokpokwu Chief James Ajembi for the warmth welcome, he also thank the Party EXCOS present for always believing in him.

He said the reason why he came is to intimate the people how far he has gone and also to tell them the challenges so far during this two and half years.

He said the years have been fruitfull and so far with the position given to him he was able to enhance employment for some youths with the NDLEA. The electrification project in Ichama is ongoing and by January it will be concluded because Ichama is the only district in Enone without electricity.

Women empowerment program, in Ogbadibo and Ado, Okpokwu will have theirs in January. The aim is to help our women stand on their own and be able to do something meaningful for theirselves. He also said they are building an ultramodern town hall in olanyega currently to Foster the town hall meeting effectively.
Solar street lights are currently in Okpokwu, Ichama centre and it’s everon.

He used the opportunity to Commission the Double Class rooms that was built for the community, he said this is to aid learning because education is the key.

The plan is to restore Ado, Okpokwu and Ogbadibo to the standard that people will envy.

He finally advice the youths to stay away from hard drugs and nacortic drugs Addiction because it adds nothing to life rather makes you useless.

God bless Honourable Francis Agbo Ottah

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