Call for the Removal of TETFUND ES Arc Echono; handwork of the Enemies of Educational Development.




Ochetoha K’Idoma YouthWing-worldwide have watched keenly the unrelentless attacks and show of desperation by enemies of educational development in their unending efforts to remove the ES of TETFUND Arc Sunny Echono from office.


we are aware of the incessant plans that have ended in futility and wish to assure detractors that their plans will continue to be futile.


we wish to commend the gentleman architect for his resolve to continue to emancipate our tertiary institutions in infrastructural development and his administrative sagacity.


we are confident that our tertiary education shall be revamped under your leadership and meet up with global standards of what learning environments in institutions are in other climes.


we call on the Executive secretary to remain focused as turbulence is a show that advancement is being made.


we wish to assure all enemies of advancement that as there prepare to mobilize against this great wind of development; we the youths of the Idoma nation, old kwararafa kingdom and minority ethnic nationalities (MEN) shall be the 21st century wall against their evil march.


we shall resist any attempt by any group(s) or cabals that intent to keep our campuses in Egypt as education is our right not a privilege.


Obande Gideon

President, Ochetoha K’Idoma YouthWing-worldwide

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