Today 26/8/2024 marks the end of protracted land dispute between Ukpila Oboru &Ohuhu Owo as Ad’Oju chief Daniel Ulegede ( Kosoko) rules that.



1. The district head of ohuhu chief Ogburuda goes on suspension without salary. Duration of suspension will communicated in a jiffy.

2. Prof. ode Ojowu, a Former Economic Adviser do President Olusegun Obasanjo is the cause of the war.

3. From today ochinga/ochacha stream stand and remains the landmark boundary between the two communities.

4. Ukpila contradicted Igede tradition by uprooted palm trees.

Ukpila to provide goat to appease the land.


5. Ochacha well/dam belongs to Ukpila.

6. If any of the communities want to cross the river, it must be consented to by lending community.

7. The two communities should co-exist as in time past.

Presented at Ad’Oju’s palace were Okwubi of Uwokwu chief okponya, Okwubi of Igede central la’ Adinu chief obande Adoga, all traditional council from both districts. Clan president from both Oboru and Owo, community leaders, youth leaders also.


From Ukpila clan were, chief Ogah Roland ajigo, chief Ominyi ology, chief idoko okede, obo ode represented chief odama, Igbang Anthony (radicco), Emmanuel Ogah, Moses ihie, James Ede, comr. Ogabo Stephen Ode, anco ogbolo, Igbang awo, John ibu, Adikpe ogabo, Igbang ogabo, eje ogabo.


Congratulations to Ukpila Oboru.

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